Revenue, Marketing & Reputation Management
Custom Hotel Revenue Management
At Revutation, we understand revenue management and the power of online distribution. We capitalize on the success that can be had when you merge the efforts of your revenue management and marketing teams. Revutation will identify opportunities with current partners, communicate why your hotel is different, and expand on and discover new partnerships and practices that will increase exposure, sell more rooms, and position hotels in front of more guests. These efforts will not only increase room revenue, but lead to more total revenue.
- Constantly monitor supply, demand, property pickup, and market conditions and adjust pricing accordingly.
- Generate weekly revenue reports with daily breakdown, hot dates, and pacing information.
- Maximize revenue and guest satisfaction on all channels by communicating consistent and clear rate, and policy information, look to book %’s, content, promos and packages.
- Monitor online review ratings and initiate best practices that will increase the review ratings, brand value, and overall revenue of the hotel properties.
- Competitive set and market analysis and review as available.
- Evaluate and enhance current PMS and booking engine systems, optimize pricing models and create a more competitive, dynamic pricing structure.
Inventory, Rate and Promotion Management
- Ensure rate integrity across all websites and communication with staff – Channel management, review and load rates to ensure rate parity.
- Optimize interfaces to ensure lowest possible costs of reservation pass through costs.
- Work in conjunction with the marketing team, to provide direction for current and suggested marketing campaigns based on historical data at the property, identified trends and need times for the property and at the market level.
- Serve as a property advocate with travel authorities including but not limited to: CVB, Expedia,, Hotel Tonight, etc. In addition with negotiating, set-up, margins, rates, package items and contracts as needed with OTA’s.
- Work directly with OTA Market Managers on hotels behalf.
- Coordinate and assess participation with Opaque travel sites as needed to fill need dates or distressed inventory.
Search Engine Optimization for Hotels
Optimizing a website for a hotel is not something that is done once and forgotten about, it is an ongoing process that requires research, analysis, execution, monitoring, and tweaking. Our approach to SEO is pragmatic, practical, and effective – our clients see a return on their investment and enjoy a refreshing relationship with a marketing firm that really gets it.
- Audit, organize and enhance website content to improve the overall user experience on the new website; optimize page titles, alt tags, and all meta data to appear higher in organic search results and impact rankings on search engines.
- Review website visitor funnels, conversions, site map, and goal funnels to accurately track website performance, and all current or new marketing initiatives.
- Full website reporting, analytics and performance transparency.
Hotel Website Design
Your website design, the usability, layouts, buttons, colors, are all big factors in the conversion optimization equation. While a website may look professional, creative, and visually appealing, there are often overlooked factors that web designers simply don’t take into consideration. Revutation designs for conversions – making sure the site is designed with reservations, table reservations, spa appointments and group business in mind from the beginning, so you cannot only impress your website visitors, but funnel them directly to making revenue for your property.
- Maximize the performance and effectiveness of the hotel or restaurant’s proprietary website to increase conversions.
- Use Content Management System (CMS) to edit website and coordinate all enhancements with developer as needed.
- Organize and select the main images and descriptions to update what and how the property, rooms and suites, restaurant(s) and event spaces display across all online channels and websites.
- Add additional images or 360’s by room type to display the full experience on the website and in the booking engine, as well as expand on the guest room descriptions to up-sell and generate more revenue.
- Create experiential packages which add value perception and increase online bookings. Build packages, coordinate components, and distribute on website and online.
Social Media and Online Reputation Management
Social networking has changed the landscape of managing your online reputation, and how you interact with your hotel guests online. Our team helps to lay the groundwork and create an online presence that represents each hotel property in a way that makes the most sense for your goals. We work hard to ensure consistent branding across all sites, engage your customers, increase your fan base, and expand the overall reach of your online presence.
- Social content creation, scheduling, management, staff training and responses.
- Reputation and brand monitoring across all digital channels to help improve rank, branded content, and quality score.
- Respond to all notifications, reviews, messages, and comments to ensure a strong response time and engagement rate.
- Social media page, post, and event content advertising to expand reach and increase engagement.
- Identify, select appropriately, and curate relationships with influencers and partnerships, to leverage their reach and assets across their own and the hotel’s social platforms.
- A visual storyteller for your property with strong photography, design, and photo editing.
Email Communications
Obtaining a brand new customer is expensive, so remembering your past guests, and reminding them throughout the year about your property, events, and offerings is key. Not only are well designed and properly scheduled emails effective in customer retention and loyalty, but they allow your guests to connect to the property and staff.
- Email account and database list management for all email marketing initiatives.
- Design, create content, seasonal offers, schedule and distribute all emailed communications.
- Communicate new experiences and packages, drive rates, and promote events. As well as set-up website landing pages and tracking links
Paid Search Marketing
Revutation search marketing for hotels uses the latest marketing solutions to get their properties to the top of search engines, for the terms deemed the most important to that specific property. Our team implements everything from paid search marketing to priority placement programs available on the global distribution systems (GDS). We look at the big picture of your online presence, and provide a clear picture of the revenue that has been generated specifically due to our contributions.
- Set up low cost, strategic paid Google search campaigns with high Click Thru Rates (CTR) and Conversion Rates, allowing for a low cost per booking conversion percentages.
- Ad design, links, and coordination with all third party websites and promotions.
- TripAdvisor business listing management, pay-per-click ad, and banner campaign coordination.
- Social media campaigns through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
Professional and Social Photography
Nothing sells a location better than strong photography. But the same 12 strong photos will not help you fill the property year-round, especially with how frequently you need to communicate in our social world. The team at Revutation can assist in recommending the right photographer to fit your brand, provide a shot list and prep instructions to the property and professional photographers, as well as day-of direction, staging and coordination.
Since daily updates, promotional, seasonal and event set-ups are needed and can’t always be scheduled, Revutation always has a camera in-hand and frequently takes photos for use for social media distribution.
Matterport 3D Virtual Tours
At Revutation we understand the value of offering a truly cutting-edge visual experience. Customers need the ability to feel the space to fully appreciate the value. These virtual tours, 3D virtual tours, 360 images, highlight reels, and high-resolution still photos provided by Revutation are the ultimate option for providing a fully immersive user experience online.
Recent Tour Examples
Hotel Suite >> | Adjoining Rooms >> | Lighthouse Suite >> | Two Story Suite >>
New Property Management System Integration
When a new property management system (PMS) is selected, the time to ensure a smooth and seamless transition is one that takes a lot of effort and coordination. Our team will oversee rate, third party, and promotion management. In addition, we coordinate with the companies involved, on-property staff, and web developers to update the new PMS and booking engine during this transition.
Call Center Shop Calls and Training
You’re simply too close to shop your own team. You know the staff, property and room amenities, the destination and what you want to hear. But how does it sound to someone completely unfamiliar to the property and area?
The Revutation team has a variety of callers available, and Justin will train your team to know exactly what to ask, and how to increase reservations and revenue made over the phone.
The quickest and best impression you can make online to a potential hotel guest is through strong photography. We have work with various select photographers to create shot lists, assemble props and storyboards, and show-up the day of shoots to ensure everything goes smoothly. We work with on-property staff and the professional photographers to stage each room or space perfectly, down to the littlest detail, to ensure quick post-production turnaround and that the space looks as large and as engaging as possible.
Branding and Graphic Design
Having the same team aware of all marketing initiatives and reviewing the projects not only allows for more consistent branding and tracking, but better presentation and results. Our team doesn’t just stop with monitoring your online presence, but has extensive background in branding, ad, marketing material and print marketing. We are available to review all projects, and can spear-head setting up the design, tracking, and coordination of all new online and print marketing materials and initiatives.